Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Today it is possible to interact with others over the wonderful, amazing, incredible internet. Unfortunately, the internet provides a veil behind which we can all hide. Alter egos and aliases allow us all to interact with each other without knowing who is on the other side of the computer screen. While some people might enjoy or even get a thrill from this kind of interaction, it also provides a platform for abuse. 

(Multiplayer online game (from facebook))
Gamer 1: Purple you suck!
Me: Thanks
Gamer 1: You're welcome you whore
Me: Dont get upset
Gamer 1: You forgot the apostrophey you whore
Me: I'm just trying to have fun
Gamer 1: Have fun with your legs wide open

So while this might seem like a funny interchange, after several of them I am g3t tired. Likely many of these gamers are youthful tweens just learning new words - experimenting with all the new swears mom and dad never allow under their roof. Many online games these days have side bars for players to chat with each other. This is the perfect opportunity for all of us to jokingly talk "smack" to each other. However, I find that this playful chatter can sometimes get out of control and distract us from the games we are playing. Often, I find myself killing time on these game sites and do not have time to think about potential jabs at my opponents. It is tiring. I do not like trying to think about insults and take no pleasure in doing so. It is a hassle and a pain. So all of the gamers out there, please take it easy and spread the love rather than "smack" others around. Maybe I am being soft but its been on my mind recently and felt the need to say something about it. That is all for now. Keep on gamin'.  

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