Friday, June 5, 2009


Did aliens visit humans thousands of years ago? There are a number of pieces of evidence that to which people on both sides of the argument cling. Since this is only a blog I will take an overview of some of the evidence I have heard rather than write a term paper with proper sources and whatnot.

Yes - There is evidence from Egypt and Central America that seems too good to be true. Apparently, The Great Pyramid at Giza as well as the Mayan Pyramid at Teotihuacan share very similar characteristics. Both are built precisely on the equator. Both have the same base size to within a few centimeters of each other. It seems unlikely that two cultures - separated by huge oceans - would have such similar design characteristics.

Yes - In both cultures, the fractured history that remains references divine intervention. It is unclear whether these pyramids were built to worship the Gods that literally descended from the skies or whether they were built in order to please the perceived spirits above. However, the technology at the time of the construction was not nearly advanced enough to build such massive structures - one would think. Stones weighing several tons were placed precisely and meticulously in order to create these world wonders. One calculation: If the Giza pyramid was actually built in 22 years - like many of the sources indicate - than one block must have been cut, shaped, transported, carried, pushed, hauled, and placed every 7 seconds for 22 years in order to create the thing. Did the ancient Egyptians really do this or were they literally helped by the Gods above? I do not know but it seems pretty extraordinary.

No - for the same reason many think that aliens did visit us, others think they did not. Both the Egyptians and the Mayans possessed an incredible understanding and mastery of the skies. It is not unlikely that they could have somehow calculated the position of their pyramids to fall directly on the equator. So there goes that argument. It is also possible that the dimensions of both structures are sound and ideal for building pyramid like structures. Maybe it is just a coincidence.

No - written history is not the most accurate way to follow the rise and fall of these cultures but what remains suggests that life-forms came out of the sky and helped create these massive monuments. How should we interpret these records? Since the records say that something came out of the sky do we interpret this literally or do we infer that they were speaking in a more poetic tongue?

Either way, it seems strange that other life forms would have visited the planet, helped make these enormous structures and left. Perhaps they are planning a return someday. I do not think so. In my own opinion, I think that the ancient people were smarter and more resourceful than we give them credit for. Although their accomplishments are astounding, if they were unaware about technology and had no other choice, they probably put their heads down, sucked it up, and built the pyramids. End of story. It is exciting to think about aliens visiting us and maybe someday it might actually happen...but I do not think it has happened yet.

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